Welcome to health care magic.
1.The features described in your scan suggest that you are suffering from degenerative disease of the knee joint.
2.Thats seen as a age related entity, also seen in heavy weight bearing jobs in younger age group.
3.Treatment in the case is initially done by less weight bearing followed by operative procedure.
4.Initiall tried with some exercises ad pain killers till some stage, when its causing difficulty in daily activities one has to plan for TKR -
total knee replacement surgery.
5.Prior to that one will follow the medic history if it support, one will go a head.
6.This happens when the joint space gets narrowed and bone and bone starts rubbing causing pain, as the
cartilage whack helps like shock-absorber effect has getting lost. Good luck.
Hope i have answered your query.
Any thing to ask do not hesitate
http://doctor.healthcaremagic.com/doctors/dr-ganesh/62888 Thank you.